Friday, August 15, 2014

Destroying Sumba-Nisumba

Meditation of Maha-saraswathi
I Meditate on the incomparable Mahasaraswathi who holds in her lotus-like hands bell trident plough conch mace discus bow and arrow; who is effulgent like the moon shining at the fringe of the cloud,who is the destroyer of Sumbha and other demons, who issued forth from Parvathi's body and is the substratum of the whole universe.

Long ago there were two demons called Sumba and Nisumba. They captured the whole of the universe.They themselves exercised all authorities and all duties of the gods - creation sustenance and destruction.
All the gods recollected in their memory the boon of goddess Devi that "whenever in calamities they could think of her, that very moment she would put an end to all their worst misfortunes."
Resolving thus, all went to Himalaya to the lord of the mountains, and there extolled the Sakthi.
Sakthi appeared, and asked them `Who is praised by you here? 'An auspicious goddess,sprung forth from her physical sheath,gave the reply
'This hymn is addressed to me by the assembled devas(divinities)set at nought by the demons Sumba and routed in battle by Nisumba."
Sakthi said to devas:-I already told you all that whenever you are in trouble I would come and solve all your problems so you do not worry about those two demons I will destroy them and their whole army and recapture the universe and give it to you back." All of a sudden miraculously Shakthi changed into a very beautiful Lady. One never ever has seen that kind of supreme divine beauty. The demons Sumba and Nisumba's army soldiers saw her and went to their his emperor and told him they saw a beautiful lady sitting on a chariot in the Himalaya.With their description of the lady he fell in love with her and he sent his messenger to Sakthi to tell her his history of the victory over the universe and if she wants to marry Nisumba or Sumba. If she does not agree just drag her by her hair and bring her here.
The messenger went to sakthi and told her all about Sumba and Nisumba's valour and prowess. she should marry either Sumba or Nisumba.If she did not agree he would drag her to their king holding her hair.
Sakthi told the massenger:- `You have come as a messenger and hence it would be not nice to kill you. So go to your head and tell him that I have an oath that whoever wins the war between me and your kings I would marry that man only. So ask your head to come for a war with me'
The messenger, filled with indignation on hearing the words the Sakthi returned and related them in detail to his superior.
After hearing the message from his messenger the king of demons got very angry and he ordered his 1st chieftain to go with his full army to the place where Sakthi was sitting and adviced him to explain to her the details about their monarchs and their power and threaten drag her to their Monarch
The 1st army chief went with the whole army and told Shakthi whatever his monarch had ordered. The sakthi did not relent but was insistent on a war. The Army chief raised his hand to catch her hair. Immediately sakthi blew on him strongly and he and his full army got burnt completely.
The surviving few ran to their monarch and told the story of the entire army having been burnt. The Monarch got really upset and he called his more powerfull army chiefs called Chanda and Munda and told them the full story and asked them to go to sakthi and fight with her and bring her to him.
Chanda and Munda's army went there and started to fight with sakthi. In a fraction of minutes they were killed by sakthi .From that time she is called Chamundeeswari because she killed demons Chanda and Munda

Now the king became worried and sent a more powerfull under Rakthabeeja Rakthabeeja went to sakthi with his full army power.
Rakthabeeja had a special power. When just one drop of his blood falls on the ground one 'Rakthabeeja' would come out of the drop.
With this power Rakthabeeja started fighting with Sakthi. She struck a blow on his head and blood gushed out. Sakthi was careful not to let even one drop to fall on the ground - she ordered Chamundi to drink all his blood. Rakthabeeja fell down without any blood in his body and died.
Hearing this painful story from his army man Sumba himself went to fight with sakthi.His brother Nisumba also joined him and started to fight with Sakthi atlast Nisumba fell on the earth and died.
After Nisumba died Sumba became very sad and very angry.Hence he started to fight very aggressively with Sakthi. At last  Subma was defeated by Sakthi and he died. At that time all good things happened.
All devas became free and praised Sakthi and her mission done she disappeared.
This is the story of the destruction of Sumba and Nisumba The trader and the king who were listening to the glory of Sakthi went immediately to the forest for severe penance. Both King and the trader in order to obtain a vision of Devi stationed themselves on the sand bank of the river and practised penance chanting the supreme 'Devi sukta' (hymn to the Devi)The controlled minds propitiated her thus for three years. Candika the upholder of the world, was well pleased and spoke to them in a visible form.
Devi told them:-"O King and the merchant I am delighted over your penance. Ask me your desire and happily I would grant your wish." The wise merchant asked devi and wanted endless knowledge of the divinity. and the King asked for his kingdom again. Devi granted their wishes. Devi said after death the king would be born in surya's dynasty. He would be a savarnika manu. The king got his kingdom and was born again as the savarnika manu. Savarnika Manu is a high status in human birth.

Om Sarva mangala mangalye
sive sarvartha sadage
saranye thriambige Devi
Narayani Namosthude


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