Friday, August 15, 2014

Destroying Mahishasura

This picture from internet
Meditation of Mahalakshmi
I take refuge in Mahalakshmi the destroyer of Mahishasura who is seated on the lotus and who holds in her eighteen hands rosary axe mace arrow thundrbolt lotus bow pitcher rod sakti sword shield conch bell wine-cup trident noose and the discus Sudarsana.  
If one worshipped 'shakthi' she will give all the energy and the power. All desires will come true.This 'shakthi' has three important aspects. ie- creation,destruction and protection.She is the one that directly killed Mahishasura.All other destruction of asuras were by proxy powers.This in a way speaks about the greatness of the asura Mahishasura
Once there was a demon called Mahishasura. He was the head of all other demons. All of sudden Mahishasura declared war on the 'devas'. The fighting was going on and on for one hundred years and at last the devas were defeated and Mahishasura captured the Indra-loka - the seat of the powers of the Gods and he took devas as his slaves. The devas could not tolerate his ill-treatment and mis-rule. Hence the Gods prayed to Goddess Devi.

Ya devi sarva boodheshu Daya Rupena Sumsthitha
Namasthasyai,Namsthasyai,Namsthasyai Namo Namaha!"

(meaning)which ever energy is merciful to human-beings , my humble obeisance to the same.)(devi Mahathmiyam)
Miraculously the earth and mounthins shook.They could see the brightness everywhere. There was an echo that cannot be discribed. The Goddess appeared sitting on a lion. Their prayers were answered. All were very happy to see the resplendent Devi and praised her prowess her loudly.
When the demons saw the devi in all ferocity and brightness fear gripped them and they ran to their king Mahishasura and told them what they saw.
Mahishasura got very angry and ordered the head of his army to take his full forces and destroy the devas and the Goddess.
According to the chief's orders they started to fight with the Devi
Devi just blew them away in one puff and they all burnt and become a mountain of ashes.
The remaining demons ran and told the story of their army's defeat by The Goddess to Mahishasura.
Mahishasura got really very angry and went with his army and himself started to fight with her.
Devi destroyed Mahishasura's full army. He fought with lots of black magic and gimmicks but he could not stand the onslaught of the Goddess At last she killed him with her Sulam (trident)and he died.
All devas became free and very happy.
Devi said to Indra:-

Mahalaxmi-Raham chakkra punaha: swayambuvanthra|
hidhaya sarva devanam jadha Mahisha-Marthini||
Madeeya sakth leasa ye dhatra deva- sareeraga:|
trudham maya thai;Rubam paramashobanam||
Ayudhani cha devanam yani yani sureachva|
Dachsaktays-ddha-karan_yayutani ddha-bavan||
varshande Navaratre dhoodbanna Mahishamardhini||
(meaning)whoever worships sri Mahalakshmi holding all the weapons in Navaratri (the 9days) They will never have face danger with weapons or anything else.  

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