Friday, August 15, 2014

Destroying Madhu-kaidapa

Meditation of Mahakali
I resort to Mahakali who has ten faces ten legs and holds in her hands the sword disc mace arrows bow club spear missile human head and conch who is three eyed adorned with ornaments on all her limbs and luminous like a blue jewels and whom Brahma extolled in order to destroy Madhu and Kaitapa when Vishnu was in Yoga Nidra.
Once sage Jaimini came to tell some details about Devi Mahathmiyam to Sage Markandeya. But the sage was in deep penance. So Jaimini rishi taught Devi Mahathmiyam to four parrots that were living in Vinhya mountains. After finishing his penance Sage Markandeya learnt about devi mahathmiyam from the parrots and told the stories to King Suradha and a trader called samathi. The sage told King suradha to do penance after learning about Devi Mahathmiyam and then he would become the 8th Manu.(Becoming a Manu is attaning a very high status in birth)

The story as told by the parrots to Sage Markandeya:
Once upon a time at the end of 'Swaroshisha Manvantra' King Suradha ruled over the world wisely. His subjects were very happy under his rule. Unfortunately 'Kolavid-wamsi' of his neighbouring country invaded his country and defeated him. Suratha's own ministers turned traitors and took away all his wealth.
Broken hearted King Suratha told his people that he was going for a hunt but actually went deep into the forest and was wandering about thinking of his lost kingdom. He came upon a hermitage and finding the place and people very peaceful settled down there.
After sometime he met a trader called Samathi and found that man also very sad. He enquired of him "my friend you look very sad and worried . May I know the reason?" The trader replied that his wife and children whom he loved very dearly cheated him of all his wealth treating him very badly and drove him away from home. However he said " even though they treated me in a very unfair manner still I am all the time thinking of them and their welfare". The King told the trader " yes your story is much like my life. I have also lost every thing because of the treachery of my ministers and lost my kingdom. But I am constantly thinking of them, my people and my kingdom. Come let us go to the Sage and ask for his advice how we can get rid of our worries".
The trader and the king went into the sage Markandaya's hermitage and told their sad stories to the sage.
Sage Markandaya said:

`O famous King' Every one created by God in this world has these kinds of worries - all humans even animals and birds also. some will be blind in day time some in the night. Whatever feelings in the human have the same thing other creatures(animals,birds etc) also experience.Every thing happens because of LokaMaya Shakthi.This world is in her grasp. She is Sri Vishnu's Yoga-nidra. She is the gravitational power in this world.If she is happy the world is prosperous . She is the creater She is the destroyer and She is the protector. Without Shakthi the world cannot move.
Kadhamutbanna Karmasasyacha, Yatsvbava.
(meaning)She is constant.
The King asked the sage
Your holiness: Who is that Maya that you described, I wish to hear from you the detailed story about her.
The sage said:-The world was completely in water. Every were one saw there was only water. At that time Sri Vishnu was in Yoganidra (means spritual sleep)reclining on the five hooded snake. Out of his navel came Brahma at the end of a stem to take over creation.
Two evil demons came and tried to kill brahma the creater. At that time vishnu was in yoganidra; hence Brahma did not know what to do and started to pray to Yogamaya Shakthi.
Sthowmi Nidram Bagavatheem Vishno-raduls-thajasa. Srushti kartre brahma rupa gopthree govidarupini.Samharini rutrarupa rodhanakareeswari
(meaning:-devi shakthi wakeup srivishnu and give him energy to distroy them.)
(this prayar from Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam.)
Devi Yogamaya came out of Sri Vishnu's body and she gave the energy to kill those evils and war begins and lasted many years and at last those evils powers were defeated. Even in defeat they were defiant and offered a boon to Lord Vishnu. Accordingly the Lord asked that the boon he wanted was that he should be able to kill them.
They agreed but said it is water all around but you can kill us only on the land." Sri Vishnu agreed and he spread his thigh like a land and laid them both on his thigh and killed them. Thus he destroyed the evils and from that time that place is called   Medhini  (means earth.)
This is the end of the first chapter.


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